Friday, 26 October 2012

3.4 Simulations

We have chosen two MOS devices of ultrathin oxides: 1) a 3.5 nm device and 2) a 2.2 nm
device. For both the devices we simulated the IVcharacteristics plots in all the three
operating regions. We considered the 3.5 nm device as the first sample and the 2.2 nm
device as the second sample. We ran the simulations on both the devices under a common
ambient temperature which is of the value T = 20 o C (293 K).

3.4.2 IDS vs. VDS curve:
In case of determining the nature of the IDS – VDS curves the gate to source voltage, VGS
was kept constant for a full operating range of drain to source voltage. We have taken
four distinct values of gate to source voltage for the determination of IDS – VDS curve.
These are: 0.8 volt, 1 volt, 1.5 volt & 2volt. IDS vs. VDS curve (VGS = 0.8 volt):

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